
Smallville Season 1, Episode 12: Leech

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Original Air Date—12 February 2002

Clark and a classmate, named Eric Summer, are both struck by lightning when Eric is holding a piece of meteor rock. The electrical surge takes Clark's powers away and transfers them to Eric. As Eric gets used to his new powers, Clark has to deal with being a normal person for the first time, with all the advantages and disadvantages. But Eric's abusive and domineering father wants to have him examined in Metropolis for his strange powers and in response, the mentally unbalanced Eric goes on a rampage. Meanwhile, Sir Harry Hardwick, Victoria's father, and rival of Lionel Luthor, try to recruit Lex for their business in Metropolis and almost succeed in buying out Luthor Corp. But Lex turns the tables against them. Reporter Roger Nixon continues to investigate Lex's car accident and begins to close in on Clark's secret. Also, Lana becomes more distant when Aunt Nell announces her plans to sell her florist shop.

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